Thursday, August 27, 2020
Education in Pakistan Essay
Training in Pakistan is regulated by the government’s Ministry of Education and the common governments, while the government for the most part aids educational plan advancement, accreditation and in the financing of exploration. The article 25-An of Constitution of Pakistan commits the state to give free and mandatory quality instruction to offspring of the age bunch 5 to 16 years. â€Å"The State will give free and necessary training to all offspring of the age of five to sixteen years in such a way as might be controlled by law†. [3] The training framework in Pakistan is commonly partitioned into five levels: essential (grades one through five); center (grades six through eight); high(grades nine and ten, prompting the Secondary School Certificate or SSC); middle of the road (levels eleven and twelve, prompting a Higher Secondary (School) Certificate or HSC); and college programs prompting undergrad and advanced educations. [4] The proficiency rate ranges from 87% in Islamabad to 20% in the Kohlu District. [5] Between 2000â€2004, Pakistanis in the age bunch 55â€64 had an education pace of practically 30%, those matured between 45â€54 had a proficiency pace of almost 40%, those between 25â€34 had a proficiency pace of half, and those matured 15â€24 had an education pace of 60%. [6] Literacy rates differ territorially, especially by sex. In innate zones female proficiency is 7. 5%. [7]Moreover, English is quick spreading in Pakistan, with 18 million Pakistanis[8] (11% of the population)[8] having an order over the English language, which makes it the ninth Largest English Speaking Nation[9] on the planet and the third biggest in Asia. [8] in addition, Pakistan produces around 445,000 college graduates and 10,000 software engineering graduates for each year. [10] Despite these insights, Pakistan despite everything has one of the most noteworthy absence of education rates on the planet. [11] Education Expenditure as Percentage of GDP Public use on training lies on the edges of 2 percent of GDP. In any case, the legislature as of late endorsed the new national instruction strategy, which specifies that training consumption will be expanded to 7% of GDP,[22] a thought that was first proposed by the Punjab government. [23] Author of an article, which audits the historical backdrop of training spending in Pakistan since 1972, contends that this arrangement target brings up a central issue: What uncommon things will happen that would empower Pakistan to accomplish inside six years what it has been not able to lay a hand on in the previous six decades? The strategy record is clear on this inquiry and doesn't talk about the suppositions that structure the premise of this objective. Estimations of the creator show that during the previous 37 years, the most elevated open consumption on training was 2. 80 percent of GDP in 1987-88. Open use on instruction as a level of GDP was really diminished in 16 years and kept up in 5 years somewhere in the range of 1972â€73 and 2008-09. In this way, out of all out a long time since 1972, open use on instruction as a level of GDP either diminished or stayed stale for a long time. The creator contends if direct pattern were kept up since 1972, Pakistan could have contacted 4 percent of GDP certainly before 2015. In any case, it is probably not going to happen in light of the fact that the degrees of spending have had remained essentially flighty and insecure previously. Given this frustrating direction, expanding open use on training to 7 percent of GDP would be nothing not exactly a marvel except for it won't be of faithful nature. Rather, it will be the one of political nature since it must be â€Å"invented†by the individuals who are in charge of issues. The creator recommends that little achievement can be made except if Pakistan embraces a â€Å"unconventional†way to deal with instruction. In other words, training area ought to be treated as an exceptional part by inoculating budgetary designations for it from financial burdens and political and monetary insecurities. Designations for training ought not be influenced by pressed monetary space or flood in military consumption or obligations. Simultaneously, there is a need to discuss others alternatives about how Pakistan can â€Å"invent†the wonder of raising training use to 7 percent of GDP by 2015. [24]
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The First Battle Of Manassas Essays - Military Personnel
The First Battle of Manassas The First Battle of Manassas On a blistering summer day in July of 1861 there remained around 30,000 Union soldiers lead by General Irvin McDowell prepared to walk out and catch Richmond and end the war. For the soldiers were youthful volunteers and believed that the fight would just most recent one day. However, they weren't right for the clash of Manassas or also called Bull Run kept going all the more then one day the fight endured six days. The Confederates had 22,000 men who were going by Gen. Pierre G.T. Beauregard, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, Col. Nathan Evans, Barnard Bee, Col. Francis Bartow, furthermore, Gen. Thomas J. Jackson. As the Union armed force walked towards Richmond they had little information on what the war would mean. For all they knew was that the war would just most recent one day and they would return home. General McDowell had an arrangement to hold onto the railroad intersection at Manassas, so he would have a superior way to deal with the Confederate's Capital. As the Union was attempting to devise an arrangement to hold onto the railroad intersection the Confederate soldiers were guarding the passages of Bull Run. McDowell's armed force walked his men from Washington against the Confederate armed force, and wound up behind Bull Run Beyond Centreville on July 18. On July eighteenth Gen. McDowell pushed toward the associations right flank, however he was halted at Blackburn's Ford and he spent the following two days exploring the southerns left flank. While Gen. McDowell was exploring the flanks at Blackburn's passage, Gen. Beauregard asked the Confederate Government at Richmond for helps, and they requested Gen. Joseph E. Johnston positioned in the Shenandoah Valley with his 10,000 soldiers to proceed to help Beauregard. Presently Gen. Johnston assembled his men a headed at the Manassas Junction, the vast majority of the soldiers showed up on July 20 and 21. The fight starts on the morning of July 21; McDowell sent his soldiers to walk north toward Sudley Springs. McDowell made a distraction assault at the stone scaffold where Warrenton Turnpike crossed Bull Run, to divert southerners. At Approximately 5:30 AM a noisy single shot was discharged which flagged the fight. As McDowell's men headed towards Matthews Hill, Col. Nathan Evans understood that the assault at Stone Bridge was just a preoccupation, so he sent his order surging towards Matthews Hill to take off McDowell's military. In any case, Evans Army was excessively powerless what's more, couldn't keep down the Union for long. Brigadier General Barnard Honey bee and Colonel Francis Bartow went to go help Evans men however their fortifications were powerless too and the Union demolished the Southerners lines and headed toward Henry Hill. Gen. Honey bee approached the help of Gen. Thomas J. Jackson's unit to control the lines and keep down the Union from going any further. This spot is the place Gen, Thomas J. Jackson got his epithet Stonewall in light of the fact that Gen. Honey bee yelled, There stands Jackson like a stone divider! The Union halted the confederate's assaults, be that as it may, the fight endured long enough for the confederates to reenforce their lines. The two sides where fighting to and fro attempting to constrain one or then again the other off Henry Hill. The confederates took out the Unions right flank on the Chinn Ridge, which made McDowell's unit retreat back across Bull Run, where the streets were crowed with individuals attempting to see the fight. In all the disarray of the fight Gen. Honey bee and Col. Bartow bite the dust in real life, and Gen. Stonewall takes order and assaults. The Union withdrew right back to Washington and the Confederates on the Battle of Bull Run. Despite the fact that it was a fight that individuals wouldn't feel that would keep going long it was costly. Which caused Lincoln's organization to need to supplant McDowell with another Maj. General George B. McClellan, who had an alternate approach on the fights then that of McDowell. Gen. McClellan needs to prepare his soldiers and rearrange his strategies.
Assignment 10 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
10 - Assignment Example ifferences in workers needs and inclinations, for example huge numbers of the representatives who are a lot more youthful and don't have subordinate youngsters and companions consistently tend not to have confidence in life coverage. In many case situation wedded couples who have trustworthy youngsters and life partners simultaneously consistently appreciates a large portion of the advantages plan, as the organization is a mindful of the requesting circumstance to give and be agreeable simultaneously. Un-wedded people living respectively are not perceived in such and abhor the advantages delighted in by wedded couples. Workers with better expectations of training additionally will in general appreciate the vast majority of the advantages designs in numerous associations when contrasted with those representatives with low degree of instruction. So as to adequately accompany a legitimate arrangement progression arranging should be engaged from senior administration positions beginning at the top and going down. The arrangement needs to concentrate on growing huge ability pools when contrasted with hardly any people. It ought to likewise expand on very much created capabilities and target evaluation process arranging. As such there ought to be plans of the quantity of occupation prepared individuals to fill senior employments when they become empty, the absolute level of employments filled by inner up-and-comer and furthermore the time it takes for an outside recruit to find a workable pace with his/her activity task. Associations ought to at all ties have work prepared gifts, prepare and in a convenient way. Have consistently replacements created and prepared to accept their next degree of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Teen Smoking (1383 words) Essay Example For Students
Adolescent Smoking (1383 words) Essay Adolescent SmokingProblems With Teen Smoking in AmericaTeen smoking is a difficult issue in the United States on the grounds that the tobacco business targets youngsters with their influential promoting. We see regularly in broad daylight places, young people who are remaining near, smoking cigarettes. As of late, there has been enactment that has been turned somewhere around Republicans in Congress, which should send a solid message to the tobacco business. While this enactment was turned down, President Bill Clinton has pledged to proceed with his endeavors to bring down the paces of youngster smoking. Indeed, this issue consistently increments and the age bunches become more youthful, yet the difficult will deteriorate if Congress doesn't attempt to focus on the tobacco business. Numerous high schooler smokers take up smoking as a day by day propensity. The quantity of adolescent smokers has expanded to 73 percent somewhere in the range of 1988 and 1996. This rate was proposed on October 8, 1998. More than 1.2 million Americans younger than eighteen began smoking day by day in 1996, up from an expected 708,000 of every 1988. The rate teenagers become high schooler smokers has additionally expanded up to 50%. In 1996, 77 out of each 1, 000 nonsmoking teenagers got the propensity. In 1988, the rate was 51 for every 1,000. The examination depended on overviews of 78,330 Americans between the ages of 12 and 66 directed by the CDC somewhere in the range of 1994 and 1997. They inquired as to whether they at any point had a day by day smoking propensity and assuming this is the case, when they began. They were likewise asked when they smoked their first cigarette. There have been ongoing examinations that demonstrate that expanding the costs of tobacco will diminish the quantity of youngster smokers. The tobacco organizations realize that expanding the cost of tobacco will diminish youngster smoking. Tobacco organizations deny that they are expanding the costs of tobacco, however they despite everything keep on enrolling new smokers who are youthful. An expected 420,000 young people were kept from turning out to be smokers because of cost increments in tobacco. The tobacco business, then again, is directing a multi-million dollar crusade disinforming the open that they are not expanding costs to decrease high schooler smoking. There have been various monetary examines in peer-surveyed diaries about cost increments in tobacco. Research demonstrates in these recorded diaries that expansion in the cost of cigarettes will diminish high schooler smoking by seven percent. The tobacco business is completely dependent on adolescents. As indicated by a site supported by the American Lung Association of Gulf Coast Florida, the individuals who kick the bucket from smoking every year, in addition to the individuals who quit the day by day propensity, are supplanted by one million young people who start smoking yearly (?American Lung Association?). The tobacco business has its own words to state about cost increment on cigarettes. The business guarantees that cost increments are terrible and insufficient for the tobacco business and different enterprises. The Secretary of the U.S. Division of Health and Human Services supported a Tobacco Bill to boycott all promotions of cigarettes and a push to help stop high schooler smoking. The Republicans in Congress turned it down. It was turned down on the grounds that it was excessively costly. The expense of this bill would have cost an expected $52 billion dollars every year to convey solid messages to these tobacc o organizations. I feel that it ought to have been utilized in light of the fact that there are such huge numbers of different things that our countries financial plan goes through on every year that doesn't appear as significant. High schooler smoking is a genuine difficult issue in light of the fact that later on these young people will have some genuine medical issues. I see my companions smoking and I reveal to them that it will cause some genuine medical issues for them later on. After the annihilation of the tobacco bill in the senate, President Clinton chided Senate Republicans for ?Walking endlessly from its commitment to our youngsters? (qtd. in Kaleidoscope Interactive). He likewise required the Department of Health and Human Services to lead a yearly national overview of the cigarette marks most much of the time utilized by youngsters. ?Im training the Department of Health and Human administrations to deliver the principal ever yearly review on the brands of cigarettes yo ung people smoke, and which organizations are generally answerable for the problem?(qtd. in Kaleidoscope Interactive). Guardians should know about this issue and they ought to likewise reserve the option to know. General wellbeing authorities can utilize this data to diminish high schooler smoking and to bring issues to light of the issue. .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 , .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .postImageUrl , .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 , .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9:hover , .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9:visited , .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9:active { border:0!important; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9:active , .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: r elative; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u9b26 b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u9b26b7f0728006f6e5107a193c9948d9:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Role of unrivaled court judges EssayThe study was a piece of the $516 billion measure renounced by Republican Senate pioneers. It should be utilized to authorize punishments against tobacco organizations that didn't prevail with regards to decreasing adolescent smoking to levels set in the enactment. President Clinton got out the tobacco organizations, which have furiously contradicted this review. ?When this data gets open, organizations will then not, at this point have the option to avoid responsibility, and neither will congress,? expressed by Bill Clinton in a meeting with the press outside the oval office (qtd. in Kaleidoscope Interactive). ?Starting now and into the foreseeable future the new information will assist with considering tobacco organizations responsible for focusing on youngsters (qtd. in Kaleidoscope Interactive). The President can't demand fines against the tobacco business with out endorsement from Congress, be that as it may, he is sure that the overview will help his Congressional partners more data against the tobacco business. On the off chance that the review is utilized, it will show that teenagers favor specific brands, one brand to another. It will at that point be utilized as proof that a specific maker is advertising to teenagers, which is unlawful. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said tobacco advertisements that depend on giveaways and whimsical kid's shows were at fault. Promoting convinces adolescents to purchase cigarettes. Since the Joe Camel Cartoon, Camel brand cigarette portion of high schooler smokers has expanded from 0.5 percent to 32.8 percent. Around 30 percent of three-year-olds and 90 percent of six-year-olds perceive Joe Camel and partner him with Camel Cigarettes. The Tobacco Institute and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, the producer of Camel Cigarettes and maker of Joe Camel, had no remark. The tobacco business has demanded it doesn't target young people with its publicizing. Every day smoking rates start expanding consistently again in 1988, that year R. J. Reynolds presented Joe Camel in promoting for Camel cigarettes, the CDC said. Joe Camel was resigned in 1997, after it was utilized for an awful model for cigarette showcasing focused on youngsters by pundits, including President Bill Clinton . I had an ongoing meeting with an understudy at Worth County High School. His name is Scott Ferguson. He was a previous cohort and a companion. He smoked while I was in secondary school. I asked him did he despite everything smoke, and he said that he did. I approached him for to what extent and he said that he had been smoking since he was thirteen. I solicited him what brand from cigarette he smoked, and he said that he smoked Marlboro Lights. I asked him for what good reason does he smoke, and he answered by saying, ?I began when I was youthful and now I simply cant stop? (Ferguson, Oct. 12, 1999). High schooler smoking is a difficult issue. I might want to see adolescents who are not smoking. I might want to hear that Congress has endorsed of the Tobacco Bill and not some different less significant bill. This difficult will keep on deteriorating if the tobacco business doesn't stop its powerful publicizing. BibliographyChildrens access to Tobacco Kills. 3 Feb. 1999. American Lung Association of Gulf Coast Florida. President Takes Another Shot at Teen Smoking. 22 Jun. 1999. Kaleidoscope Interactive. Decreasing Teen Smoking. 10 Jul 1998. Tobaco Free Kids?. Bynum, Russ. CDC: Joe Ca
Writing Essays That Are Not Power-To-Glory
Writing Essays That Are Not Power-To-GloryMany students, in their struggle to create essay topics that they think are most effective and interesting, will follow these instructions: 'if you want to write an essay about a subject with no thesis, then use the argument from history'. I will not go into the pros and cons of this approach in this short article. We will discuss why this approach is invalid. In any case, I will point out the flaws in this approach, which will make it much more difficult to write successful essays on any topic in any field.Power-To-Gloria This is the 'G' word that many students do not know how to get out of their system. It is related to the power of words and phrases, and how strong they are. A 'power-to-glory' approach to essay topics is usually written from a student's ego or 'to be the best' perspective.To not write fabulous essay topics, one must avoid writing 'to be the best' essays. One must question what makes the best essay. After writing an essay a bout one subject, that topic is not the best in the world. Since there is no conclusion to the subject, the best that can be said about the topic is that it is interesting and not necessarily great.Power-To-Gloria is related to the content, as it relates to essay topics. Essay topics should not be created with this model. There is only one form of content and that is power-to-glory.Power-To-Glory is often in direct conflict with content. There is no content to the essay topics, so one can't talk about the topic, which is what the power-to-glory model seeks to do. Power-To-Glory creates bland, uninteresting, tedious and wordy essays.In order to avoid the pitfalls, it is necessary to develop the new skill of developing ideas for topics, and writing the concepts. Although topic ideas are not truly power-to-glory, they can allow the writer to explore topics in a mature and responsible manner.Controversial Questions One important aspect of essay topics is to avoid topics that are too con troversial. However, sometimes one must ask controversial questions.Although it is not very productive to ask, 'who is to blame', or 'what was the real cause', the use of controversial essays may be necessary to uncover the real answer. Asking questions that are related to power-to-glory can reveal useful information about the topic, such as how specific techniques for power-to-glory relate to other techniques for content, the psychology of power-to-glory, and how the two concepts are related to each other.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Youtube Documentary That Explores The Selma - 1100 Words
Youtube Documentary That Explores The Selma (Annotated Bibliography Sample) Content: March to SalemNameInstitutional AffiliationDateMarch to SalemBtsharff. (2009, February 8). Selma - Montgomery march, 1965 - p1 [Video file]. Retrieved from /watch?v=T8reaKQgwKgThis is a YouTube documentary that explores the Selma - Montgomery and its impact on the black community in the United States. According to the author of the documentary, march to Salem occurred during a historical period of radical political and social upheaval in the US. During this time, the African American community was fighting for the rights to vote. The march featured a number of high profiles figures in the history of the US, including Martin Luther King Jnr. and Coretta Scott King, and played a critical role in highlighting prejudices and discriminatory practices that the black community was being subjected to. In addition, it made the world know how old ideas and practices in the US were overriding the rights and privileges of African Americans. At the end of the demonstrations, there was a national outcry for the government to recognize the rights of all American citizens irrespective of their race and cultural orientation.Btsharffs documentary is an important source in the study of the march to Salem for two main reasons. First, it narrates that activities and events that took place prior and during the marches, and how they impacted on the western civilization. Secondly, the documentary uses pictures, quotes, and speeches to help the viewer understand the topic of discussion. Thus, its inclusion in this bibliography helps in effectively exploring the topic of March to Salem.Combs, H.B. (2013). From Selma to Montgomery: The long march to freedom. New York: Routledge.Nobody ever thought that a peaceful demonstration organized in Salem on March 7, 1965 would result in violence and changes that gave the African Americans the right to take part in political processes. Following the Bloody Sunday attacks, civil rights activists came out in large numbers to demo nstrate from Selma to Montgomery with the intention of passing a message to the government to change the voting rights laws. In this book, Combs (2013) chronicles the activities that took place during their marches, their causes, and impact on the political landscape in the US. This is done by giving eye witness accounts and details of the events and how they affected voting practices in the US. Thus, the book provides vital information that can be used to reconstruct the events of the Selma marches and how they contributed to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.National Geographic Society. (2016). The Selma-to-Montgomery marches.Retrieved from Geographic Society (2016) gives a detailed account of the Selma-to-Montgomery marches and how they supported and affected western civilization and political practices in the US. According to the source, the Selma-to-Montgomery marches were organized to compel the government to recognize black Americans by giving them voting rights. The civil rights movement in the US was able to mobilize different groups and communities to take part in a walk that would change the status of the black people for the better. The 54 miles walk led to a number of transformations, including the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The passage of this particular legislation had immediate effect as more than-two thirds of African American people registered as voters in different states within a period of less than six months.This source is included in this bibliography because it explores the study topic from different perspectives.Ratcliffe, D. (2013).The right to vote and the rise of democracy, 17871828. Journal of the Early Republic, 33 (Summer 2013), 220-253.This peer-reviewed journal article looks at the history of voting rights struggle in the United States of America. The author begins by providing a brief description of Ameri cas political history and how it affected the everyday life of the black people. According to the author, the American political system and environment was characterized by political and racial injustices that denied some members of the society the opportunity to take part in political decisions. Furthermore, it placed African Americans at an inferior position politically, and social compared to their white counterparts. These factors, coupled with the desire to take charge of their own lives, drive civil rights activists to the streets to call for change. The marches gave the African Americans an opportunity to advocate for voting rights so that they could take part in political processes in the country. In the end, it made the plights of the black communities known to the world at large. The author goes ahead to make a case that the work and ...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Critical Analysis Of Great Expectations - 1600 Words
Dicken’s Great Expectations follows and examines the life of a fictional character, Pip, who lives in and falls victim to a world that despises the common man. Ever since his parents’ death, his overbearing sister and conceited uncle instilled ideas that he was worthless as a poor youth. He initially sought refuge with his sister’s affectionate husband, Joe, until the beautiful Estella made him truly feel an extreme inferiority for the first time, in which he began to see Joe and his work as inferior. Pip continues to struggle with his self-esteem until he himself becomes an educated gentleman, where he is just as condescending as Estella, and to some extent, Mrs. Joe. Even with a newfound confidence, he still cannot find fulfillment and†¦show more content†¦Joe and, later, Pip. It is important to note that it would be incorrect to say that all commoners are completely worthless since then they would boast the same title as those who are considered even less than common, especially thieves and prisoners. For example, Magwitch, whose first memory is one of theft, is the true embodiment of a worthless man; he even describes himself as a â€Å"wretched warmint†or a â€Å"bloodhound†. Those who know that society only has hurt them still succumb to its degrading system. Dickens also points out that, other than Biddy, Joe is the only early influence on Pip who does not fall victim to the widespread hate of commonness. Mrs. Joe’s side clearly has the majority: at Christmas dinner all the guests, especially â€Å"that swindling Pumblechook†, ridiculed Pip, associating his nature with that of a pig. When Pip went to become apprenticed to Joe, onlookers believed he would be tried as a criminal: â€Å"He’s a young ‘un, too, but [he] looks bad, don’t he?†. In the scene, words such as â€Å"bound†, â€Å"red-handed†, and â€Å"custody†convey a sense that simply the wa y Pip appears on the outside makes the trip to the court seem to be a criminal trial. Dickens also applies this argument to the wealthy. The first time Pip met the beautiful Estella, who spoke to him with disdain, and made him â€Å"ashamed of my hands†. If Pip’s childhood did anything for him, it convinced him that beauty, whether throughShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of Great Expectations1449 Words  | 6 Pagesperforms a number of functions, and among these are helping us to understand the world, and helping us to understand the human condition. What is taken from a work of fiction is, however, dependant on who is reading it at the time. In the case of Great Expectations there are a number of themes running through the text including betterment through education, what it is to be a gentleman, respectability and crime, parental /family ties, and industry and idleness. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Health Care Interview - 1157 Words
Catherine Nochefranca HCB 235_Week 4 Health Care Interview Paper February 18, 2013 There are many different professions that one can choose when entering the healthcare field. Nursing is a very popular and needed profession that is vital to care for patients. For this paper I have chosen to interview my younger cousin who currently works for the VA Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada as a Registered Nurse in the Medical Surgical Unit. I will describe the targeted facility and unit she works for, the type of work done within her unit, any interesting, informative, or specific information related to the chosen unit which makes it unique, and a comprehensive description of my cousin, and her responsibilities. The facility that my†¦show more content†¦When I was asked to find a healthcare individual to interview for my paper I chose my younger cousin because she is newer to the field, and would offer the most current description of her field without any bias that some nurses tend to have after working in the field for so long. She started her nursing career a t the age of 23, and she does admit that she did have a hard time relating with her patients because of their ages and the types of experiences that some had to deal with. The transition she explains was hard because unlike her at age 23, these patients were sent off to war to protect their country. Many of them didn’t even have the privilege of having an education like she did. Another apparent difference was that her goals were to go to college and advance her career, and her patients’ goals were fighting for our country, and starting a family was insignificant. Now after being a nurse for a few years she was able to learn their point of views. For example, she explains that telling a veteran to be careful when getting up from the bed to go to the bathroom is embarrassing for them. These men have an idea in their head that they’re still that tough guy who can handle anything, and for someone young like her to tellShow MoreRelatedHealth Care Interview653 Word s  | 3 PagesHealth Care Interview Amanda Nava HCS/235 February 26, 2013 Jennifer Hitt Health Care Interview For my health care interview assignment I chose to interview Mayra Cruz, Certified Nurses Assistant. She works at Cuidado Casero Home Health and Hospice at 1617 E. Missouri Ave, El Paso, Texas. In my interview with her she described her job duties, her patients and how she interacts with others in her environment. In addition, she identified the length of time she has been in her current positionRead MoreInterview of a Health Care Professional1788 Words  | 8 PagesInterview of a Health Care Leader The health care leader to interview was chosen because of expertise knowledge, patience, honesty, integrity, strong leadership skills, and is a health educator. The healthcare leader was born in the city and raised to farm life with her grandparents and enjoyed helping her grandfather with the animals on the farm. She knew as a teen she wanted to be a nurse. If she could help animals feel safe and secure, she believed she could do the same with people. The healthcareRead MoreHealth Care Consumer Interview : The Elderly1556 Words  | 7 PagesHealth Care Consumer Interview In a health care system beset by inequality, excessive spending, and average outcomes, one segment of the population in particular presents a variety of problems and opportunities that need to be addressed: the elderly. 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He enjoys the benefits of being a senior citizen including discounted travel, free education, and other incentives marketed towards seniors. He expressed a sense of well-being with respect to the numerous housing options geared towards the graying population, such as Retirement Villages, and assisted living. However, the subjects of Long Term Care, Social security reform and government involvement in health care reformRead MoreCharles: an Elder Interview About the Aging Process and Health Care2339 Words  | 10 Pagesmade in health care and the quality of their lives would continue to be empowering. He enjoys the benefits of being a senior citizen including discounted travel, free education, and other incentives marketed towards seniors. He expressed a sense of well-being with respect to the numerous housing options geared towards the graying population, such as Retirement Villages, and assisted living. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parents Should Not Be Blamed For Bullying - 1075 Words
Have you considered why we blame parents for their children being bullied? Parents should not be blamed for something their child did. I’ve researched this topic for awhile. We all should know that bullying is a major issue in today’s society. What’s even worse is the parents are being blamed for this! Though it was the bullies fault, the parents still get in trouble. This argument will prove that parents shouldn’t be BLAMED for bullying someone when it was their child; parents don’t have twenty-four hour watch on their child, the parents didn’t do anything, and also the child can learn to not bully instead of forcing blame to the parents. Some people may argue that parents should be blamed for bullying because they are the ones who take care of the child. Although, research shows that with a little help the bullying can completely stop with a little help instead of having everyone punished for these things (No Bully). Also, everyone can get a warning instead of getting in trouble with the law (Temkin). Parents being blamed or responsible for their children being bullies is not okay because some parents do not talk to their children a lot in fear of being the ‘bad parent.’ If the parent does not talk with their child then how do the children learn from their mistakes? Laurence Steinberg, a psychology professor at Temple University, says â€Å"Punishment in general isn’t effective at this age. School is where we want them, so punishing them by taking them out of school seemsShow MoreRelatedCyberbullying: Are Social Networking Websites The Cause? Essay1320 Words  | 6 Pagesnetworking sites the act of cyber bullying - bullying and harassing someone through the internet was born. Now, whether or not the websites are the cause of cyber bullying has become a rather controversial topic. Abraham Foxman and Cyndi Silverman, both part of the Anti-Defamation League, vehemently feel that these social networking sites spawned cyber bullying. On the other hand, Kate Hard ing, blogger and author, believes strongly that while they may be involved in cyber bullying, social networking sitesRead MoreCrt 205 Final Paper1576 Words  | 7 Pagesout one form for each source. |Source 1 Title and Citation: Cyberbullying Has a Broader Impact than Traditional Bullying | |Uhls, Yalda T. Cyberbullying Has a Broader Impact than Traditional Bullying. Cyberbullying. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. Detroit: | |Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from Is Bullying Going Digital? Cyber Bullying Facts. 2010. Gale | |Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 23 May 2012. Read MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society934 Words  | 4 Pagesfeelings. It has changed the lives of many people positively and negatively. Ever since social media grew so did bullying. However there are many places bullying can happen, like in school, outside of school, work, or home. There are two different types of bullying, verbal and physical. It can have a small or big impact, depending on the person. Many people will say that the main causes of bullying today is social media because it allows people to communicate with others not having to be face to face andRead MoreHow Can We Make The School System Safe Without Bulling?1422 Words  | 6 Pagesbulling? What is Bullying? â€Å"Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time†(Bullying). Bullying is a massive problem that has been occurring for years in the school systems. In most cases bullying is normally seen as a form of physical violence such as punching or pushing, but there are more types of bullying then just physical violence. ForRead MoreBullying Is Becoming A Growing Problem876 Words  | 4 PagesBullying is becoming a growing problem among teens, parents, and society over all. Bullying has always been around and it is a problem many individuals fight to end every day. Bullying has become one of the leading causes of depression among teens and it is also a leading cause of suicide between young adults. Adults are to be blamed for bullying and cyberbullying amongst children and teenagers. Parents or guardia ns should get educated in the subject in order to educate their children. WhetherRead MoreBullying Essay1640 Words  | 7 PagesBullying is an action that is very serious and can be very hurtful. Bullying can happen at any age, anywhere. Bullying is not a joke and it should always be taken seriously. Bullying causes a lot fair amount of problems that are in the world today, and matters just seem to get worse. It needs to be brought to the worlds attention the truths about a bullies mind, types of people that are bullied, and who is the one at fault. Bullying needs to be brought to a minimum, it is ruining society as a wholeRead MoreWhy Schools Are Not to Blame for Cyber Bullying Essay709 Words  | 3 Pagesthe cyber-bullying get out of control. His parents told the school about it, but there was nothing they could do. The boy had to go to a new school where he wouldn’t be bullied. There are many problems like this that get out of hand, so much that the school can do no thing to help. Many people blame the school for not helping, when there is nothing they can do about it. Therefore, schools do not have the responsibility to respond to and protect students from the challenge of cyber-bullying, even ifRead MoreBullying Is A Type Of Unwanted Aggressive Behavior Among Individuals1110 Words  | 5 PagesBullying Jonae Herring PSY 150- 5152 Introduction What is bullying? 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Sometimes it is an individual who is doing the bullying and sometimesRead MoreBullying : Bullying And Bullying894 Words  | 4 PagesThere are several ways students can put an end to bullying when they see it happen. One way is to tell the person who is bullying to knock it off, but this should only be done when it is safe to do so. If the witness is friends with the person who is bullying, they could also distract him by inviting him to do something else. A third way to handle the situation is to tell a trusted adult or teacher, but for this to work the adult must know how to deal with the situation appropriately. Another option
Depression Disorder And Its Causes - 1100 Words
Depression Disorder and Its Causes Miami Dade College Depression Disorder and Its Causes A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her. A depressive disorder is not the same as passing blue moon, it is not a sign of a personal weakness or a condition that can be wished away. People with depressive illness can get better by â€Å"pulling themselves together†, without treatment, this disorder can get worse and can last for weeks, months, or even years. (Tsuang MT, Faraone SV. The genetics of mood disorders. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990) Everybody has low moods on occasion. Whether you get a bad grade in school, a lower raise than you expected, a fight with a loved one, or a death of a beloved pet – there are countless reasons why a person will feel sad or for a while because of something that has happened to him or her. This is often when people say. â€Å"I’m depressed†– and others understand what they mean. But as long as the feeling never interferes with your ability to function in daily life and goes away within no more than, say, a couple of weeks, it’s not medical depression. The term â€Å"situational depression†is sometimes used to describe depression brought on by a significant event in your life. The death of a loved one, losing your job, a divorce and similar major life events canShow MoreRelatedDepression : Causes And Consequences Of Mental Disorders989 Words  | 4 Pagesconsistently found as an association with mental disorders (Poongothai et al., 2009; Shaji et al., 1995). Patients with major depressive disorder also suffer from many co-morbidities (Kessler et al., 2010). The resultant high health expenditures cause low financial status (due to high health expenditure) (Stoudemire, Frank, Hedemark, Kamlet, Blazer, 1986). Low income is both a consequence and a cause (Sareen, Afifi, McMillan, Asmundson, 2011) of mental disorders. In the Chennai Urban Rural EpidemiologicalRead MoreDepression Essay : Depression : The Causes Of Depression893 Words  | 4 PagesDepression Depression affects many people in today’s society for a number of reasons. Depression is a serious disorder, numerous people are affected by it. However, there are places to go that give help that people with depression need. To begin, depression is a disorder that affects a great deal of people. According to Mayo Clinic, â€Å"Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest†(â€Å"Overview,†n.d.). There are many causes to why people have depressionRead MoreEssay Bipolar Disorder1447 Words  | 6 PagesBipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness affects about 1.2 percent of the U.S. population (8). It is defined by fluctuating states of depression and mania throughout ones life. Those who are depressed may be restless, irritable, have slowed thinking or speech, decreased sexual activity, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, suicidal thoughts as well as other changes. Those in a manic state may have increased activity or energy, more thoughts and faster thinkingRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Depressive Disorder1591 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is a depressive disorder? â€Å" A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her.†(Psychology Today) The term depression in psychology is more than just sadness. â€Å"People with depression may experience a lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or excessive sleeping, lack ofRead MoreEssay Psychological Causes of Depression702 Words  | 3 PagesPsychological Causes of Depression The actual causes of depression are still unknown today but there are a few theories that could help explain them. It is widely believed by psychologists and scientists that all mental disorders are brought about by a complex correlation of psychological, biological, and social factors. A serious loss, chronic illness, relationship problem, work stress, family crisis, financial setback, or any unwelcome life change can ignite a depressive disorder (PsychologyinfoRead MoreClincal Depression Essay1445 Words  | 6 PagesClincal Depression Depression is a very common disease that will affect a large percentage of the population at some point during their life span. At least 10% of all people will suffer from a major depressive disorder, while even a larger percentage will suffer from some type of mild depression. It is a serious disease that has been linked to other physical and mental illnesses. It has also been a cause of death in numerous cases due to suicide and heart disease. The most disturbing factRead MoreDepression : A Complex Biological Illness Essay1392 Words  | 6 Pages Depression is a mental disorder that is a feeling of sadness that can interfere with daily life for a person and the family and friends of the person. The some of the major signs or symptoms of depression are thoughts of suicide, loss of interest, and appetite changes. There are many things to know about this disorder such as what the it is, what causes it, who is afflicted by it, how it is diagnosed, and what treatment is available . According to a research, â€Å"depression is a complex biological illnessRead MoreThe Major Categories Of Disorder1063 Words  | 5 PagesSome of the major categories of disorder include the following: †¢ Anxiety Disorders †¢ Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders †¢ Dissociative Disorders †¢ Feeding and Eating Disorders †¢ Mood Disorders †¢ Neurocognitive Disorders †¢ Neurodevelopmental Disorders †¢ Personality Disorders †¢ Sleep-Wake Disorders †¢ Somatic Symptoms and Related Disorders †¢ Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders †¢ Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Mood Disorders Mood disorders consist of a widespread range ofRead MoreMental Illness : A Mental Disorder1463 Words  | 6 Pagesbehavioral disorder. This means that around 510,600,000 people suffered from some form of mental or behavioral disorder in 2010 alone. Now, with all this information we must first ask, what is a mental illness? The definition given by the National Alliance of Mental Illness, or NAMI, states that â€Å"A mental illness is a condition that impacts a person’s thinking, feeling, or mood and may affect his or her ability to relate to others and function on a daily basis.†Many psychological disorders are developedRead MoreCauses, Symptoms, and Treatments of Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder936 Words  | 4 PagesCauses and 2 Unipolar and bipolar disorders are fairly common and they can have devastating effects to an individual. There has been much study and documentation on these disorders. This paper will review the causes of both unipolar and bipolar disorders. The symptoms of both of these disorders will be highlighted and discussed. Treatment options will be reviewed that are available to individuals who find that they are suffering from these disorders. Unipolar disorder is characterized by an individual
Domus Aurea Golden House Of Nero Essay free essay sample
Domus Aurea, Golden House Of Nero Essay, Research Paper In AD 64, Nero set fire to the metropolis of Rome. The exact grounds he did it are non to the full known. It is thought that he partially did for poetic or artistic intents, or for the intent of uncluttering off a metropolis that had presently dissatisfied him. In its topographic point nevertheless he did reconstruct a better Rome, for the most portion that is. A big part, and arguably excessively big of a part, was expropriated for the usage of his ain abode to be called the Domus Aurea. This is translated: The Golden House, and so, the abode is called: The Golden House of Nero. While the Domus Aurea had instead undue concluding behind it, it is one of the greatest architectural accomplishments of the ancient universe. Nero? s abode before his Golden House, was the Domus Transitoria. This was by now means any little life infinite. We will write a custom essay sample on Domus Aurea Golden House Of Nero Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was considered to be a sign of the zodiac in itself. This castle linked to the Imperial Gardens of Maecenas on the Esquiline hill. It besides spanned up the Velian incline beside the Forum ( Grant 164 ) . However this construction was non destroyed in the fire of 64. However it did clear out a vale behind it doing room for Nero? s hereafter house. Promptly after the fire building was begun on Nero? s Golden House. It would go on until AD 68 ( Wheeler 142 ) . In fact the Domus Transitoria would shortly go portion of the new Domus Aurea. The designers of this great undertaking were more applied scientists than they were designers. Their names were Severus and Celer ( Picard 116 ) . They were more like Italian foremans heading up a squad of technicians who came to Rome in hosts due to their recent fire. However, these applied scientists chief end was to do the estate expression bigger and be bigger without really spread outing. They accomplished by working on it from the interior out, using pictures on walls that gave the feeling of traveling on for eternity. It is an under statement to mention to these edifices as houses at all though. They were clearly much more than this, in even their smallest proportions. The Domus Aurea itself was a series of edifices and landscapes designed to give the feeling of a huge park in a comparatively little country for such a thing ( Picard 116 ) . The thought behind this was that you would make something more beautiful for the perceiver if your creative activity was beautiful for how you used the Earth. For illustration, there was a big lake in the centre of the Domus Aurea, and around it were situated Villas and other edifices to travel beyond the beauty of cherished things, but to achieve the beauty that lone nature can give. Suetonius commente vitamin D on the Domus Aurea stating: ? An tremendous pool, more like a sea than pool, was surrounded by edifices made to resemble metropoliss, and by a landscape garden consisting of plowed Fieldss, vineries, grazing lands, and woodlands- where a assortment of domestic and wild animate beings roamed about ( Grant 170 ) . ? The Domus Aurea took up about two- hundred and 90 to three 100s and 40 estates ( Maso 52 ) . Never before had or would any monarch of all time take such a big piece of the cardinal metropolis, for his ain personal life quarters. As you can conceive of, this made for a really ungratified people because the part of Rome the site took up was to a great extent populated. For this the citizens of Rome came up with awful poetries like this: The Palace is distributing and get downing Rome! Let us all flee to Veii and do it our place. Yet the castle is turning so damned fast, That it threatens to bolt up Veii at last. The edifice of this big and broad edifice was one of the first hints to the Romans that the combustion of Rome was non really the Christians mistake. The Domus Transitoria had now become the entrance or anteroom to the Domus Aurea. Even though it was the biggest edifice on the belongings, it was at the caput or beginning of Nero? s house ( Grant 170 ) . Directly to the left of the Domus Transitoria was the chief residential edifice. It was at approximately a right angle and is difficult to detect from a distance because it is built into a hill. In fact, one could about lose it if they did non see tall, barrel ceiling hallways. The edifice was shallow ; two to three narratives high, and made up of two wings, a West and an E ( Grant 172 ) . The west wing was thought to be the Place where Nero and Poppaea had their sleeping rooms, nevertheless it is hard to state because more likely, their suites would be on the 2nd degree. The West wing had two personal flats, each with a sleeping room, two other suites, and chapel ( Grant 172 ) . At the dorsum of these suites, the position was unimpeded by a hill because it had been cut off or merely sloped down, but they looked out onto a garden type of courtyard with a fountain in the center ( Rossiter 141 ) . The east wing was shorter and shallower than the West wing. Its suites faced openly out into the courtyard in front. The Hall of the Golden Vault leads into the dorsum of the wing into a corridor holding no fa? fruit drink. Here the edifice is built right into the hill and hence can non holding any unfastened facing side. This makes for a dark moistness hallway that is really high running the length of the wing. At
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
People Culture and Contemporary Leadership
Question: Discuss about thePeople Culture and Contemporary Leadership forGrowth. Answer: Introduction In the modern era, effective leadership skills play a vital role in growth and development of an individual(Ward 2016). Nowadays, many businesses focus on enhancing the leadership skills of workers so that smooth flow of all operations and activities can be achieved(Tourish 2014). Leadership practices also assist companies in motivating employees and directing their efforts towards the accomplishment of common goals and objectives. The present essay outlines the overview of leadership and theories linked with the concept. In addition to this, my style of leadership and its effectiveness is also highlighted in this report. I have used different types of questionnaires and classroom activities to analyze the overall effectiveness of my leadership style. What is leadership Leadership can be defined as the process in which various tools, techniques, and strategies are employed by a leader to lead and manage the team of people working in an organization(Siegling, Nielsen Petrides 2014). A good leader always encourages team members to give their best towards the accomplishment of business goals and objectives. In todays corporate scenario, leadership has become essential for companies as there are different types of benefits associated with the same(Renko et al. 2015). For example, leaders help in initiating actions, motivating others, building morale and developing coordination among team mates. A leader also plays vital role in designing and maintaining a healthy work environment by resolving issues and conflicts between people working in an organization. To gain insight into the overall concept of leadership, various theories can be taken into consideration. For example, the trait theory of leadership emphasizes on the fact that leaders are born, or there are certain qualities which are inherited by people which make them a leader(Ramchunder Martins 2014). Furthermore, the theory explains that there are certain behavioral characteristics can be commonly found in almost every leader(Northouse 2015). Some common traits of leaders which are highlighted by trait theory include energy, creativity, innovative, business knowledge, honesty and emotional intelligence. Questionnaires Completed I have completed different types of the questionnaire, and this was important because it has helped me to get insight into my leadership style. I was required to answer different sets of questions linked to various aspects of leadership. For instance, I was required to provide my opinion to questions such as is supervision of employee within the workplace is essential or not. In addition to this, the questionnaire has also supported me in identifying the key areas where I was lacking. From the information collected, one strengthens his/her existing leadership skills, and overcome key weakness concerning leadership(Nahavandi 2016). Another benefit of using questionnaire is that it has helped me to improve the way in which I used to communicate with others. Apart from this, it has also highlighted different tools and strategies which I can use to motivate and inspire other staff members working with me. I have completed various questionnaires linked with leadership, and now I can handle and manage changes more efficiently. These all things will directly contribute to individuals overall professional development and will also them to become a highly motivating leader in the long run(Ljungholm 2014). Gibbs Model Learning The Gibbs model or reflective cycle emphasize on six major elements which are mentioned below as: Description- I have filled various questionnaires, and I have also attended different class activities to gain insight into my existing leadership style and its effectiveness. Feelings- At the time of attending class sessions and filling questionnaire I was a little bit worried about getting negative outcomes. However, my experience and knowledge have supported me in staying calm during the process. Evaluation It can be expressed that the entire experience was quite good and I have learned a lot of things about the overall aspect of leadership. For example, it has supported me in knowing that effective leaders are the one who changes their styles as per need and demand of the situation. Analysis- It has been analyzed that I am required to work in some areas to enhance my overall leadership skills. It will also assist in getting better opportunities for personal and professional development(Mugridge 2013). Conclusion Apart from attending class room sessions and filling up the questionnaire, I believe that strategies such as feedback from seniors and coworkers would have been taken. The rationale behind this is that the feedback would have provided me with more relevant and accurate information about my leadership. Action plan I will be using the recommendations and information from questionnaire and class room activities to deal with leadership issues in future. Class Activities The class activities consist of various sessions in which different case scenarios were provided to us. We were required to analyze every situation in the best possible manner. Furthermore, based on our analysis we were required to take corrective actions. The class activities have helped me to developed strong coordination with my fellow team members. At the same time, it has supported me in getting knowledge about my existing style of leadership. During the class room activities, I was required to write some comments on different statements which were linked with the overall concept of leadership. This activity has helped me in explore my knowledge base and skill set about the aspects of leadership. Various types of leadership games and activities were carried out during the classroom session(Goleman, Boyatzis McKee 2013). The result of this is that these sessions have helped me to identify and understand the fact that at present, I am not a great or effective leader. The rationale behind this is I am a democratic leader, and I always prefer to consider the views and opinions of my team mates before making any decisions. In some class activities, fast decision making was required and taking suggestion from other team mates results in delaying the entire process of decision making(Eisenbeiss Brodbeck 2014). Thus, the classroom activities have helped me to understand the fact that it is not useful for a leader to stick to one particular style of leadership and he/she should adopt the style of leadership as per situations and conditions. Own Development Areas Various developmental areas are present where I need to focus on so that I can efficiently perform as a leader and in turn, the performance of my entire team can be easily enhanced with the help of this. No doubt, to become successful leader various traits and attributes are needed which improves individual efficiency to perform as a leader and in turn leads to better results(Daft 2014). My developmental areas involve working on the skills that are not present in me. I lack some skills and particular knowledge due to which my performance declines at the time of working as a leader. Firstly I need to develop time management as it is a well-known fact that leader has to carry out various activities and they have to be managed in particular period. So, this area still requires development where I am unable to manage time as per the tasks that I have to carry out on a daily basis, and it directly leads to delay. Further, I am not able to prioritize which activities are necessary that I need to focus on for enhancing the performance of my entire team. Another area in which improvement is needed is linked with planning where I am not able to plan all the activities properly. It is the moral responsibility of every leader to plan all the key activities properly so that they can be carried out efficiently(Colbert, Barrick Bradley 2014). Stress management is also one of the crucial areas where I need to work upon. In many situations, I have found that situation of stress arises due to which my motivation level declines. Due to this reason, I have to prepare myself so that I can properly deal with stress and this can assist in making me a successful leader. All these development areas are most crucial for a leader as it is a well-known fact that leader must have skills such as stress management, time management, planning, etc., so that contribution of an individual is maximum in the business affairs(Bird Mendenhall 2016). Due to this reason I have realized the importance of working in this area so that shortly my performance as a leader can be enhanced easily and in short period. Further, it has been analyzed that no leader is 100% efficient by skills and knowledge where some areas are present where an individual has to improve. For enhancing time management skills, I will prepare a time table for two months regularly where I will prioritize tasks that need to be conducted by me. For enhancing my planning skills, I will take advice from other leaders to know how they plan and for enhancing stress management skills I will read various books, articles and will indulge myself regularly into the situations that lead to stress. So, this will result in improvement. Type of leader am I and areas of Improvement At present, according to me, I am a democratic leader who prefers to take advice from the team members on a continuous basis. At the time of conducting any particular task I involve every team member and with the help of a motivational tool such as reward, bonus scheme I ensure that every member is actively participating in the company affairs. Further, I am a self-motivated leader who can handle critical situation in an easy was as many time some situations are faced where I am not able to perform better so with the help of self-motivation it becomes easy for me to maintain my performance. I always prefer to take advice from others, and this leads to my personal development. Working as a democratic leader, I have gained trust and confidence of all my team members where they prefer work with me, and they are my real strength. Apart from this, I am a good communicator where my team members are easily able to understand the information and thoughts shared by me. I prefer to interact with my team members orally, and I encourage two-way interaction where I gave more chance to my team so that they can quickly present their views and ideas. The range of skills present in myself makes me an effective leader. Critical thinking as one of the skill makes me different from others where it directly contributes in handling various situations in the better manner(Antonakis 2017). The situations that are adverse allow me to think critically and through this best possible solution is identified about the problem being faced within the workplace(Bolman Deal 2017). Further, I am an honest and ethical leader who takes every decision keeping in view the expectations of all the team members. Till now I have not faced any situation where I was biased and due to this reason team performance declined. Some areas are present where I need to improve. At the moment, I am a democratic leader, but I want to translate myself into situational leader where there is a need that I must act as per the situation. The reason behind the same is that in many cases democratic style fails as dependency on the team members is high and this sometimes leads to decline in the overall performance of the team. So, I want to translate myself where in some critical situation I will decide by the situation and will encourage my team members to act accordingly. Conclusion The entire study carried out has supported in knowing my leadership practice. Further, the skills and attributes that I posses are most crucial and they must be present in a successful leader. As a democratic leader I prefer to involve my team members in every affair, and this enhances the team performance. But I need to transform myself into a situational leader so that I can take appropriate decisions by situations faced. Apart from this, my development areas involve focusing on time, stress management and planning skills. I have received feedback from the questionnaire which I have prepared, and through this, I will work on the development areas. References Antonakis, J 2017, The nature of leadership, Sage publications, California. Bird, A Mendenhall, ME 2016, 'From cross-cultural management to global leadership: Evolution and adaptation', Journal of World Business, vol 51, no. 1, pp. 115-126. Bolman, LG Deal, TE 2017, Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership, New Jersey, John Wiley Sons. 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Monday, April 13, 2020
How to Write a Good Argument Essay for Your High School Students
How to Write a Good Argument Essay for Your High School StudentsA good argument essay is a simple and succinct essay that can help your students to see the arguments and solutions clearly. In an essay, you can do a lot to help students learn how to develop their own arguments and defend them well. Here are some ways in which you can write a good argument essay for your high school students:Focus on a particular point of interest or a special skill. You may want to use the examples of a video game or a movie when you are explaining to your students why it is not acceptable to start using assault weapons. The reason you need to focus on a special skill is because it will draw students' attention to an important part of their presentation.Always have good arguments. It is very important to know what your students think. It is also necessary to know whether they have heard good arguments against a certain issue. You can also make sure your arguments are based on factual information inste ad of emotional.Provide the facts. You must be able to point out the facts that will convince your students. The student who starts with a persuasive argument without facts will get a big turn-off. When you provide the facts first, you will get your students to think about things more deeply and to accept the facts.Make different angles. You can use different parts of the essay to convince your students that you have presented a fair argument and not just a simple one.Make it personal. You can also add a personal touch to your argument by talking about things that happen to you personally. As much as possible, talk about your experiences or whatever your students may know about your life.Help students find strengths and weaknesses. You can help your students to create a foundation to discuss what makes a good argument. For example, you can start with some factual information and then list the strengths and weaknesses of the argument.In conclusion, you should remember that the good a rgument essay should not only be composed of facts and information but it should also contain your own ideas and personal experiences. By using these ideas and details, you will be able to turn your students into readers who will listen well and understand well.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Authenticity in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath Essays
Authenticity in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath Essays Authenticity in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath Paper Authenticity in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath Paper Essay Topic: The Grapes Of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is a novel written by John Steinbeck. In the bulk of modern literature, it is consider a masterful epic unmatched in the realm of the written word. The novel centers around a family of workers who are immigrants The Joads. When the novel takes place they are in California attempting to survive the scarce conditions of the depression. Steinbeck monitors and recounts the ups and downs of the family and their experiences in United States. Much of the plot is Steinbecks commentary on the rampant capitalism which literary sucked the land and the people dry during the 1930s. The story is based on real life excerpts of John Steinbecks field research. The real life conflict was created by greedy business men, and lending institutions which bought up land and employed workers to farm. The majority of these workers were lower class immigrant families that were paid so little that their struggles have often been paralleled to that of slavery which plagued the United States in the 16th and 17th centuries. The old adage was particularly relevant when examining this novel, as the rich get richer, the poor end up dead worked to death. Steinbeck is not casual in his assault of capitalism and it not fearful to express his disgust for the supposed American dream. He has a clear political viewpoint and asserts: the great fact: when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away. And that companion fact: when a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need. And the little screaming fact that sounds throughout all history: repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed. (333). A major theme developed by Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath is his believe that the survive of the lower class is based on their dedication to family. His approach is a delicate mixture of Marxism and Socialism, both of which promote cooperative living. In the context of the time, Steinbecks beliefs were not just controversial but also dangerous. The United States went through a two periods in which the government hunted after individuals they considered unamerican, the 1920s and the 1950s. This novel was written in the the 1930s. However, Steinbeck intricately weaves a tale of family strife, struggle, and survival, in The Grapes of Wrath, which has become a beloved and honored classic since its publication. Steinbecks depiction of the devastating conditions during the 1930s is historically accurate. In particular, Steinbeck articulately describes what a Dust Bowl actually is and how it was created. He explains that the great plains experienced the greatest droughts ever during the great depression. The Dust Bowl was created due to lack of rain and also the over use of the land. Once pieces of land are over farmed they lose their nutrients and crops will not grow. These areas, once plush with grass and trees became â€Å"virtual deserts. †It was this drought which forced families, hungry and tired, to see out new hope in the west. The west promised folks clean and cheap living, and with access to regular work. Steinbeck describes the Dust Bowl in the following way, â€Å"The wind increased, steady, unbroken gusts. The dusts from the roads fluffed up and spread out and fell on the weeds besides the fields . . . the sky was darkened by the mixing dust, and the wind felt over the earth, loosened the dust, and carried it away. †For the people living in these devastated lands, this was a very accurate account as to what the â€Å"weather†was like for weeks and months.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Economic History of Modern Europe Essay Example
Economic History of Modern Europe Essay Example Economic History of Modern Europe Essay Economic History of Modern Europe Essay Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Economic History of Modern Europe Europe has undergone one of the most profound changes in various aspects such as the economic conditions and sociopolitical values. This is due to the increase in interactions between various societies enhancing the aspect of globalization and multiculturalism. Historical events such as trade across the whole of Europe are among the instigating factors of the widespread economic development across Europe. In addition, this also placed Europe as a significant force of trade to reckon around the world leading to the ability of empires in Europe to access numerous products, which enhanced the development and growth of civilization in European countries. Economic structures in Europe have changed over the years, as a result of the increase in democracy and new approaches to enhance equity in the distribution of resources (Clough, Charles, 27). Land is considered a crucial factor of production. Land carries all life and economic potential of a given region. This is evidenced by the increasing values of land accruable to prime properties because of the presence of infrastructure or resources on the land. As a factor of production, land is important in the sense that it is considered as the origin of all material wealth. The value of land and the ability to access the same has changed considerably over the years because of the changes in the uses of and in the demand for the same over the years. Land in historical Europe was essentially used for agricultural purposes. This is because agriculture is the main economic means of ensuring sustenance. Land is an essential factor of production as it provides a producer with the much-needed area or space for production purposes. In addition, it also avails the much-needed resources such as mineral that are raw materials for production (Clough Charles, 33). From the perspective of a landowner, the use of land over the years has been the main of drivers of demand for land in Europe. This is attributable to the increased demand for housing, production sites and agricultural sites for production. The agricultural revolution took place in Europe as a means of transition into civilization from other means of survival such as hunting and gathering, which were unpredictable and unreliable for sustenance of large numbers of people in communities. Increase in the value of land is attributable to the increase in population sizes as well as the growth of industrialization. Industrialization is defined as the process of transition or change from an era of agrarian processes into an ear of industrial processes. The increase in population necessitates the need for ample land to provide housing to people in the society. In addition, it also leads to subsequent need for land, which is usable for set up of industries for production of consumable goods. The changes in the prices of land have resulted in wealthy individuals because of the increase in their land values. Hence, an upward change in land value usually results in the increase in wealth for a landowner. On the other hand, it also results in the inability of other individuals belonging to a low economic class to make acquisition of land. This is one of the main effects of increase in demand of land and the subsequent prices. This has resulted in the division in classes in terms of those who have the ability to make purchases of land and those who are unable to purchase of land. In addition, this is among the main reasons of the presence of a large size of the population in the world without access to ownership of land (Wasserstein, 47). PART II It is evident from available literature that a majority of Europe in the medieval years focused on means of survival. This is evidenced by the focus on agrarian activities to ensure that people had access to food for survival. Majority of labor in Europe focused on agriculture as this sector was the largest employer. Agriculture and commerce are among the main drivers of the economic changes in Europe. Agriculture necessitated the need for innovations and inventions to ensure that there was high production in the field for satisfaction of the increasing demand (Clough, Charles, 46). The industrial revolution is estimated to have taken place between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe. Changes in terms of the transition from agriculture to industrialization were one of the main instigating factors of the unprecedented population growth in Europe. Industrialization has resulted in the growth and expansion of industries, such as services and manufacturing, all of which require land as a main factor of production in terms of the site of issue of the services and production of goods. Literature evidenced provides that in the period of 1870 majority of the labor force was embedded in agriculture as the primary source of income and sustenance. However, there was also dire need for transition from the traditional means of agriculture to large-scale farming for the increasing population. In addition, this resulted in the struggle for new means of economic growth. This resulted in innovations, which encouraged large-scale farming resulting in the dire need to dispose the produce because it was in surplus. This was a driver for the need by European countries to engage in commerce to ensure that they were able to access varied products and sell their produce to foreigners (Wasserstein, 52). The developments in agriculture are evidenced in the modern European societies as they are able to ensure large-scale farming at negligible costs due to innovations in farming practices. In addition, commerce is also another major aspect in the modern society in terms of the economic activities engaged by the European societies. Technological changes have enabled increased productivity in economic activities such as agriculture. Innovations are aimed at enhancing productivity and increasing the economic benefits accrued from agricultural activities. Real estate is a lucrative economic activity, which has gained large-scale acceptance. This is because of the increase in demand driven up by increases in population. Increase in population translates in a dire need for land to increase production of goods and issue of services and agricultural activities, which form a substantial economic activity around the world. Modern land prices, when compared to historical land prices could be simply termed as exorbitant (Wasserstein, 57). In addition, issues such as politics have also been factors, which have dictated the ownership and ability towards the acquisition of land by the public in Europe. Policies instated in Europe have been major determinants in terms of enhancing or restricting the ability of the populace to acquire and own land in Europe. Economic conditions have also changed leading to changes in terms of ability of the populace in Europe to acquire and own land. Increasing costs of living have resulted in a scramble for the available employment opportunities, which are essentially inadequate for an ever-increasing population (Berend, 36). Economic conditions usually translate to the effects of aspects such as rates of inflation. Inflation determines the availability of disposable incomes, which in turn affect the purchasing or buying power of the population. Hence, a decline in the inflation rates usually results in subsequent increases in the disposable incomes and thus increases in the purchasing power of the populace. This usually results in economic effects such as property booms and bubbles which if unregulated could result in collapse of real estate markets. On the other hand, high inflation usually translates to reduced disposable incomes and the ability of the population to make real estate or land purchases. Hence, a landowner has the value of his or her land stagnating or declining. Reductions in value also translate to lower rates of real estate developments and the establishment of industrial plants (Berend, 39). Socio-cultural values of land in Europe differ from one region to another. Some parts of Europe only allow ownership of land at certain areas because of historical values placed on some parts of Europe. Land, which is regarded as a heritage, is usually regarded as government property irrespective of such land hanging, been under private ownership. However, there is a transition from the traditional means of business, which focused largely on manufacturing of goods. Consumerism has changed in that, specific focus on service industries than on products consumed is needed. This is because of the changes around the world in terms of consumer preferences and changing consumer needs and focus (Pounds, 57). Land value increase is attributable to improvements in the labor sector in terms of working conditions and remuneration accruable to a laborer. In addition, this is also directly intertwined to the increasing costs of living resulting in the dire need by the labor industry to give in to the demands for higher wages. In essence, land costs and inflation are mutual events, which affect the ordinary citizen. Land costs are determined by the costs of living. In addition, the products, which are derived for use by consumers, are usually produced with the availability of land. Products such as consumables are usually the modern means of sustenance. Some are derived through agriculture whereas others are derived from production processes (Pounds, 63). Hence, increase in the value of land usually translates in the increase, in costs of production of goods such as agricultural products from farms and other manufactured goods. This is because the cost burden is usually transferred to the consumer by either the farmer or producer to the consumer. In addition, production costs of goods are increased by costs such as lease for land and purchase of the same. However, such costs are recoupable as the probability of increase in the value of land is usually high resulting in increased value of the acquired land. Focus on industry and services have resulted in high demand for land, in urban areas because of the high number of population. Service industries usually require high turnover and traffic flow of potential customers for making tier sales. Hence, this resulted in abandonment of agricultural land and new focus on the service and manufacturing industries. Hence, land value is usually different in either the urban areas or the rural areas or between less populated areas and highly populated areas. This is because of the high value attributable to large movement of population because service industries are considered as the modern day businesses (Pounds, 68). Social value of land over the years has evolved because of the changes in the social norms and values. Historically land has been associated with wealth and power. However, in the modern world land is associated with peasantry and agriculture. This is because large farms are usually held by farmers, which might require extensive labor hours to ensure maximum productivity. Hence, modern society has changed in terms of the consideration of land. The value of land is usually associated with prime locations. This is evidence of the changes in the value land in that, urban land is essential in comparison to rural land, which might be more productive than the land located in the urban areas. Landowners over the years have faced challenges brought about by changes in the ability of acquisition of land. New policies have resulted in the reduction of ability of people to won land. Restriction of ownership of land has been necessitated by the need to ensure parity in the acquisition and subsequent ownership of land in a given country. Policies are instituted to ensure the presence of transparency in terms of land ownership. Land is historically an asset, which has been associated with graft in numerous countries around the world. It is also an asset, which has the potency to result in conflict, in the case of disputes over land. Due to the changes in governance structures, land disputes are on the decline. In addition, there are provided avenues for settlement of disputes such as through mediation teams and the main avenue, which is through law courts (Broadberry, Kevin, 47). However, the value of land is constant in that, it is associated with wealth but from a different perspective. Land is valued in terms of its accessibility and proximity of social services or amenities and to the urban areas. Changes in society such as increased rural to urban migration have resulted in the decline in the value of the land in rural areas. This has resulted in appending of high values on land and subsequent developments in urban areas because of the high demand of such land and the scarcity in terms of availability. This represents an elaborate demand and supply chain. The move towards industrialization was influenced by the availability of land and the presence of resources for production. Landowners during the historical period were forced to give up prime land for the establishment of industries and extraction of raw materials for the industries, which sought to satisfy an insatiable consumer need for the products. Additionally, this resulted in appreciation of land value and thus subsequent high demand for land (Brodaberry, 67). In conclusion, land is a primary factor of production as well as for economic development. This is because society appends high value to land as it provides raw materials, goods such as agricultural products, and provides for sites to establish industries and premises for issue of services. Land in Europe was historically sued for agriculture as the main economic activity. However, the economic activities in Europe have changed over the years resulting in a focus on new activities such as the service and manufacturing industries. This is because of the changes in social norms, values and resulting change in consumer behavior. Work Cited Brodaberry, Stephen. â€Å"An Economic History Of Modern Europe: Sectoral Developments, 1870-1914†Unifying the European Experience: An Economic History of Modern Europe, Volume 2: Pp. 1870-2000, 2005. Print. Broadberry, S N, Kevin H. O’Rourke. The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Print. Berend, T I. An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe: Economic Regimes from Laissez-Faire to Globalization. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Print. Clough, Shepard B, Charles W. Cole. Economic History of Europe. Boston: Heath, 1952. Print. Pounds, Norman J. G. An Economic History of Medieval Europe. London: Longman, 1974. Print. Wasserstein, Bernard. Barbarism and Civilization: A History of Europe in Our Time. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print
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